- 族議員{ぞくぎいん}
diet members who act in the interest of certain government ministries and industries they regulate and benefit from their efforts 意味
- "diet member lobbying in favor of the road construction industry" 意味
- "diet member's pin" 意味
- "diet member's resignation" 意味
- "diet members" 意味
- "diet members caucus supporting small business" 意味
- "diet members who act in the interests of the agricultural lobby" 意味
- "diet members who back certain government ministries and special interests and benefit from their efforts" 意味
- "diet members who support the related ministries" 意味
- "diet members who work on behalf of special interests and benefit from their efforts" 意味
- "diet members" 意味
- "diet members caucus supporting small business" 意味
- "diet members who act in the interests of the agricultural lobby" 意味
- "diet members who back certain government ministries and special interests and benefit from their efforts" 意味